From the entrepreneur’s corner #80: Leader or Manager?
Here are some insights into the differences between a good leader and a manager. A leader is someone who inspires and motivates others, while a manager is someone who focuses on tasks and operations.
Firstly, a leader is someone who sets the direction and vision for the organization, whereas a manager is responsible for executing the plan. A leader is more concerned with the “why” behind the task, while a manager is focused on the “how”. This distinction is crucial, as it highlights the importance of having a clear direction and purpose in an organization.
Secondly, a leader is a servant-leader, who puts the needs of others before their own, whereas a manager is more focused on their own goals and objectives. A leader is willing to listen, adapt, and evolve, whereas a manager is more rigid and focused on achieving their own targets.
Thirdly, a leader is a coach, who develops and empowers others, whereas a manager is more of a controller, who dictates and directs. A leader is willing to delegate and trust others, whereas a manager is more likely to micromanage.
Lastly, a leader is a role model, who sets the tone and culture for the organization, whereas a manager is more focused on the technical aspects of the job. A leader is someone who inspires and motivates others, whereas a manager is more focused on achieving specific goals and objectives.
In conclusion, it is important of having a clear distinction between a leader and a manager. A leader is someone who sets the direction, inspires and motivates others, and is a role model, whereas a manager is someone who focuses on tasks, operations, and achieving specific goals. By understanding these differences, organizations can develop leaders who inspire and motivate others, and create a culture of innovation, creativity, and growth.