Today’s Pill (22): Alexandra is an angel, while a digital voice assistant could have done better
“Good day…. I’m a young person, have 15 yo… a gentleman has sequestrated me….raped me, yes… I’m afraid… I’m afraid he’ll beat me again…. Please stay with me on the line, as I’m afraid, please! ..[and repeats herself, as a new cop/operator connects]…Please send somebody… Is somebody coming, please?! … Please stay with me… please…” (her saying “a gentleman” = angel’s purity)
An angel calls at 112 (911) and begs for help, cries, and offers even the approximate location. On the other side of the phone, incompetents, people without souls and un-empathetic, mocking her, stupidly repeating the questions.
She’s hacked by a psychopathic serial killer (confessed,) allegedly part of a larger prostitution network with ramifications and probably having various high profiles in their ranks (a circulated hypothesis.)
Instead of having incompetents and ”empty” individuals to answer the emergency dispatcher, I would prefer having a robot that can answer n user requests a day, send recordings that include location and app data, quickly connect to SWAT type of reaction forces, and a RPA to put all the agencies in alert in real time. Voice assistants are in the hot seat, and they deserve replacing the incompetents.