Today’s Pill (23): From the Keystone Kops to Reality

Ciprian Ghetau
1 min readAug 1, 2019


From Chaplin’s Keystone Kops, fictional, humorously incompetent policemen featured in the famous silent film comedies, to this region’s reality, the similarities are striking.

In Silent Stars, Jeanine Basinger wrote: ”We’re very happy to see their pants fall down, and they look good to us with pie on their faces. The Keystone Kops turn up — and they get punished for it, as they crash into each other, fall down, and suffer indignity after indignity. Here is pure movie satisfaction.” (Wikipedia)

The (real) ones we’ve all seen these last days, with voices, displayed incompetence, arrogance, irony, lack of soul and many others, almost like running into each other in their rescue efforts. An angel, a young girl of 15 has been probably hacked (as the serial killer confessed, ) if not trafficked by the region’s sex interlopes and their international counterparts, and, instead of having progress reports on the crime solving/clear communication and crisis management, we see them leaping in the air in surprise, slowly moving in any direction without any result, lacking coordination, partially assuming the mistakes they’ve made…

We’re in a “Keystone cops defending” reality, where the series of errors and bended laws led to a society where incompetence is king.



Ciprian Ghetau

Repeat entrepreneur, tech investor, Founder & MP @ BSC, formerly M&A Head @ CP (now Oaklins), Co-Founder & COO @ ATLNG, alum @FreemanSchool and @FulbrightPrgrm.