Today’s Pill (26): The Lack of Law Enforcement When Les Belles Pull the Strings
My trust in the local medical system, be it private or state-owned, is extremely low, and many of the problems we have, which are subjects of daily media news, relate to the complete lack of law enforcement. Politicians are always blaming the heavy legacy and the ”others” as a smokescreen to present their ideas as truths that we must simply accept as facts. Quality management lacks, entirely when about the state entities, while those in the private sector are only running money-driven and a la corporate America, but with a local taste — no empathy, no time, no emotional strings attached to the relationship with the patient. In the private system, you pay and have to go; eventually die later at home, as no one cares the moment you exit the recovery room; and if there’s no money, no service is their logo. Not only the “heavy” MDs from the state hospitals, the so called Professors, Gods or Gurus, lack the humility, to put it politely, required from the top professionals, but also the nurses and adjacent medical staff run around the pocket money. When isht happens, no matter where (in a private or state entity,) a committee is the best way to hide the truth; then, dragging the leg enters the scene, and one month later nobody cares. All’s forgotten. If you’re lucky to have a fortune, maybe some lawyers will act in a play with an unknown outcome.
The lack of law enforcement intervention or action is the attribute of a weak police, dysfunctional control entities and corrupted judicial system, with all the strings pulled by “les belles du jour” in the politics. “Vote Me”… we’ll be hearing soon.