Today’s Pill (27): Self-Study
Attending and completing a formal degree (or more) require a lot of effort. If you graduate from a prestigious institution, then the degree can be a symbol (for yourself and others) and, in some cases, may help you navigate in the jobs’ ocean — in a specific age bracket; can be expansive, but some perceive it as a big undertaking. The problem is that it takes a long time to complete and, in most cases, it teaches old, unanchored-in-the-needs info (a few exceptions apply though.)
Probably most of the readers here have at least a degree, and believe that up to a point you have to go for it (them.) You need a solid foundation. But then comes the change, or evolution, and you become the advocate of the self-study.
These days, I think you are the best person in the world to design and execute a learning program to get the knowledge you need into your head. All the info is out there, and it’s for free (well, most of it.) With or w/out a formal degree, you can excel if you follow your passion.